Back in 2014 I interviewed iOozi about her opinions on the ROBLOX Fashion Industry 4 years later I decided to do it again here it is...

1 - How many years have you been designing on ROBLOX Now?

I've been designing since 2012 so that's gotta be 6 years now! Wow!

2 - Who influenced or inspired you to design?

The user Goldina inspired me to start designing. I'm not sure if she's still active on Roblox or if she even knows me, but her clothing definitely got me thinking of creating my own.

3 - Who is your favorite designer of all time, and why?

That's a very tough question because designers come and go and I no longer keep up on what others are designing. I've always enjoyed blubaby's clothing, she's been around for a long time and I'm constantly impressed with her work. But also basically everyone on my friends list is one of my favorite designers. Everyone has different styles and I think that they all have something special to offer in their art-- it's hard to narrow it down to just one.

4 - What do you think about the modern ROBLOX Fashion Industry and the new designers who are at the forefront right now?

It's heartbreaking seeing the clothing community I grew up in change so drastically. It seems like everyone is trying to compete with one another and trying to be the best instead of just enjoying and having fun with designing. Everyone holds at least one grudge against someone and that has become very toxic, ultimately polarizing the clothing community.

5 - Where do you see ROBLOX Clothing going next what trends/styles will blow up?

In the past year, I've definitely seen streetwear and drawn clothing grow very popular. I think that the majority of clothing designers will turn away from realistic looking clothes and start producing clothing that is drawn and start adding shading.

6 - What are your plans for 2018?

2018 is going to be a big year for me outside of Roblox. I'll be graduating from high school and moving to college and starting a new chapter in my life. I don't know how much time I will have for Roblox and if I'm gonna consistently upload clothes. I'd love to keep Roblox as my hobby but sometimes bigger priorities get in the way. One thing I hope to accomplish in 2018 is to have Roblox protect the work of designer's and have them implement strict rules about plagiarizing work. It's a big goal but I've already made some accomplishments.

7 - Do you have a favorite year/era for the ROBLOX Fashion Industry? Why?

My favorite era of clothing on Roblox would probably be in 2014. I was producing so many clothes and I was very proud of my work. The fashion community was expanding rapidly and new clothing was just flooding the catalog. 2014 was the industrial revolution of Roblox clothing. 2014 held some of my best memories of the Roblox clothing community.

8 - What is your advice for people who are wanting to become a Designer in the modern industry?

What I would have loved to hear when I first started designing was that "you should be in the clothing community, but not of the clothing community". Meaning that you should be creating and uploading clothes, but you shouldn't get caught up in the clothing community drama and toxicity. Don't involve yourself in that kind of stuff, just do your own thing.


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